Created by Sansar Studios
Your Guide to SansarĀ“s Upcoming Events and Worlds.

Created by Monstercat
The Music you love. The artists you can not get enough of. The insane shows you could not see in person.
All just a click away.
Ready Player One : Aechs Basement No.003

Created by Sansar Studios
VR recreation of Aechs Basement from Steven Spielberg Movie Ready Player One.

Created by Sansar Studios
VR recreation of Aechs Garage from Steven Spielberg Movie Ready Player One,featuring interactive commentary from Aech herself !
Intrepeted from the original ILM design for Ready Player One from Warner Brothers.
Pictures,Amblin Entertainment and Village Road Show Pictures, opened on March 29, 2018.
Copyright and Warner Bros. Entertainment Incorporated
All rights reserved.

Created by C3rb3rus
A Futuristic Environment & Home of The Mechanical Spider

Created by FullSpectrum
Scurry Waters was inspired by a YouTube Video that Medue and Bagnaria watched on a Sunday Morning
We invite you to relax on one of our Tahitian Style Floats, bribe a Scurry to call a speedboat ride, have a scurry to paddle your around, hop on a stingray to explore the coastline, play our Quest, fire some canons to destroy targets or throw things to break some bottles at the beach !
Our biggest promise is that there will be always surprises.
This Sansar World is a passion project by Medhue and Bagnaria who have gone FullSpectrum.
Much of the modelling by Bagnaria, while Medhue will keep enchanting you with his wonderful animations.
Bagnaria likes to blow things up, as long as it is not her scripts.
Our goal for Scurry Waters is that there will always be a reason to come back, after all, these waters are Scurry.
It is a hangout place with small games and things to play with.

Created by Loki Eliot
A Treehouse Fort in a little whimsicle woodland setting of fairies and monsters.
A treasure trove of nostalgica created with VR and Ready Player One in mind.
Gathering Point for World Explorers.

Created by Retro Metallic
Welcome to Maya City in Sansar.
A Jungle Experience with unexpected wildlife,natural beauty,romantic scenery,hidden houses and Mayan ruins.
Relax,Explore and have Fun
See also Maya City TV on YouTube